Monday, March 16, 2009

Bali, the Island of Gods

Perhaps up until now, a lot of tourists from outside Asia consider that Bali is a country and Indonesia is somewhere in it. Well it is not. Indonesia is a huge archipelago and very much proud to introduce Bali as one of its island, known as Pulau Dewata (the Island of Gods). You can ask anyone who had been to Bali and each of them will tell you different stories and share different experiences they have. One might find tranquilness, joy, adrenaline rush, or perhaps be in love. It is THE place, the little part of Heaven that falls down to the earth. It is magical.

Bali may be small in size – you can drive around the entire coast in one long day – but its prominence as a destination is huge, and rightfully so. Ask travellers what Bali means to them and you’ll get as many answers as there are flowers on a frangipani tree. Virescent rice terraces, pulse-pounding surf, enchanting temple ceremonies, mesmerising dance performances (Kecak dance) and ribbons of beaches are just some of the images people cherish.

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